Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) is the premier institute of the state of Jharkhand established by an Act of its Legislative Assembly. The establishment of this institute is an expression of the dream of the people of Jharkhand to develop a leading centre of excellence in the region dedicated to the mission of patient care, education, research, and community service of the highest order. Though in existence since 1959, the transformation of RIMS in 2002 from a College cum Hospital to an Institute emphasized the grand vision of the state to upgrade science, scholarship, and innovation to improve health of the people of this region.
To realize this vision, RIMS encompasses one college each of medical, dental, nursing, and paramedical courses. It has approximately 1000 medical, 200 dental, 400 nursing, and 300 paramedical students. There are nearly 500 junior residents, 150 senior residents, and 238 faculty in the institute dedicating themselves to patient care. The current attendance of out-patient department is ~2500 while that of in-patients is 1500. The institute constantly strives to increase these number to serve the ever-increasing number of patients who need in-patient or out-patient services from the institute.
RIMS considers that its prime societal contribution is to transform students entering its portals into competent, sincere, and dedicated health professionals. It aims to inculcate in them the values of evidence-based practices, life-long learning, service before-self, sensitivity to their patients and trustworthiness and willingness to take responsibility for the patient with honesty, sincerity, and transparency.
We strongly believe that research is the lifeblood of any institute. It fosters professional excellence in faculties and equips them to deliver outstanding education to students. Our commitment is to pursue translational and collaborative research relentlessly to solve the regional, national, or international problems. We strive to engage our students and residents in multidisciplinary research to foster critical thinking skills and prepare them well to face the challenges and opportunities of the future. For this we have initiated PhD programs, Central Research Facility, multiple course-works and certification courses and regular seminars and conferences round the year to sustain a vibrant research atmosphere. We are working in multiple projects in collaboration with local institutes like Birla Institute of Technology-Mesra, Ranchi University, Central Institute of Psychiatry and other national institutions.
RIMS is also committed to serving the community at large by serving not only those who come to its campus, but it also has an extensive outreach program in form of community services. Through these community programs we travel to far and distant corners of the state and try to understand the health problems specific to certain communities and implementation of various state and centre sponsored projects.
The best example of RIMS best foot forward in these trying times of the novel corona virus pandemic is dedication with which it used its expertise and resources towards COVID-19 testing using both RT-PCR and non-PCR based methods and caring for patients affected by this virus in COVID wards and active participation in the national vaccination program.
We are continuously engaged in adapting ourselves to meet the ever-changing needs of a premier health care institution by incorporating newer technologies and expanding our facilities. We strongly believe in collaboration and partnership and seek cooperation of the people of the state of Jharkhand to achieve our mission of patient care, education research, and community service.
Prof. (Dr.) Raj Kumar
Director and CEO, RIMS