RIMS presently has 6 ambulance which are 24*7 ready to serve their purpose. There are two types of ambulances- 3 general and 3 cardiac, which are provided with Oxygen cylinders, temporary pacing equipments and first aid kits along a nurse for the benefit of the patient. The ambulance fares and can be availed by general public at nominal fares and can be availed by calling on the Ambulance Helpline No. 0651-2547260.

The Central Emergency at RIMS provides care to patients with urgent medical conditions ranging from complex problems such as heart attacks and strokes to simple but pressing conditions such as cuts and broken bones.
The department is well equipped with 2 Ventilators, 6 Hydraulic & 13 Gatch Beds, a Minor OT, an Examination Room, VIP Room, POD Room, SOD room, Counselor's Room, 2 Observation Rooms & a Nursing Station. Adequate no. of stretchers are provided for the patients to be carried from the entrance of the hospital to the department & to other various other depts. concerned.
1 Senior Physician, 1 Chief Medical Officer, PGTs of Surgery, Medicine & Orthopaedics along with Interns are always on duty. Presently Dr. Anshu Jamaiyar is Incharge of the Central Emergency. Eye, ENT & Obs-Gynae depts. have their separate Emergency Rooms (ERs). A Mother Register is maintained on a daily basis to keep a record for all the admissions happening in the department. Police Information Report & Injury Reports are also maintained. RIMS, Ranchi being a tertiary care referral hospital witnesses a football of around 250 emergency cases in a day with approx. 100 indoor admissions into Depts. of Surgery, Medicine & Orthopaedics.