Applications are invited from suitable Indian Nationals for appointment for the purely temporary posts(on contractual basis) for a period of 6 months and positions may be extended depending on the need and requirement of Dean Research Office, Advt. No. DRO/2022/368, Dated: 31-12-2022

Applications are invited from suitable Indian nationals for appointment for the purely temporary posts of Scientist -D (on contractual basis) for a period of 6 months and position may be extended depending on the performance and end of project, Project name: "Fever, hyperglycemia, swallowing and hypertension management in acute stroke under Indian Stroke Research Network", Advertisement No. DRO/2022/362, dated : 30-12-2022

Applications are invited from suitable Indian nationals for appointment for the purely temporary posts of Lab Technician (on contractual basis) for a period of 6 months and position may be extended depending on the performance and end of project, Advertisement No. DRO/2022/361, dated : 30-12-2022

Walk -in Interview - Applications are invited for filling up the Senior Resident posts (Category wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in different Departments of RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No 6420 Dated 31-12-2022

Walk-in Interview - Applications are invited for the following purely temporary posts for the project titled "National Environmental Health Profile" under Assoc. Prof. Dr. S. B. Singh, (Principal Investigator -PI of the project, PSM Department, RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand

In the light of the request of the selected candidates for the posts of Nurse Grade A, under RIMS Ranchi, 01 (month) period extension is given. Following is the list of candidates who have requested for extension of period for contribution.

List of Selected candidates and schedule of Document Verfication for the post of "Chair Side Attendant-Recruitment 2022" vide advertisement no 47, dated 06/01/2022

Corrigendum Notice for the Advertisement No. 6045 dated 06-12-2022 for the post of Tutor in Dental College at RIMS, Ranchi

Walk in Interview - Applications are invited for filling up the Tutors/Senior Residents posts (Category wise) on tenure basis for 3 years in different department of Dental Institute, RIMS, Ranchi

List of Selected Candidate vide Advt. 5720 dated 24-11-2022 interview held on 29-11-2022

List of Selected Candidates vide Advt. 1654 dated 08-04-2022

Walk in Interview - Application are invited for filling up the Senior Resident/Tutor posts (Category wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in different Departments of Superspeciality, RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No 5720, Dated: 24/11/2022

Application are invited for appointment for the following purely temporary posts (on contractual basis) for a period of 2 months and position may be extended upto a maximum 6 months depending upon performance and budget of the project, Name of the project "Rotasiil Vaccine effectiveness, rotavirus gastroenteritis and intussusceptions surveillance study (RVEIS)."

Submission for Report of verification for candidates selected through Advt. No. 05/2022 and Advt. No. 06/2022, Memo No. 5617, Dated : 21-11-2022

List of provisionally eligible and not eligible candidates for the post of Professor, Assistant Professor & GDMO vide Advt. No. 1637, 1638 dated 07-04-22, 1648 dated 08-04-22 and 2495, 2496 dated 02-06-22, RIMS, Ranchi.

Interview Result for the post of "Computer Programmer" and "Lab Technician", Advertisement No. DRO/2022/292 dated 17/10/2022

Walk-In Interview Result for the post of Data Manager (AMR)

Walk-In Interview Result for the post of Scientist B (Medical) (VRDL)

Interview results for the post of "Project Assistant", Advertisement No. DRO/2022/291 dated 14-10-2022

Application are invited for appointment on Computer programmer and Lab Technician in Fresh Project DRO (on contractual basis) for a period of 6 months at RIMS Ranchi, Advt. No.: DRO/2022/292 dated 17-10-22

Application are invited for appointment on Project Assistant purely temporary posts (on contractual basis) for a period of 3 months at RIMS Ranchi, Advt. No.: DRO/2022/291 dated 14-10-22

Result of PDCC 2022

Notice & List of candidates vide advt no. 2474 dated 01-06-2022

Notice & List of candidates vide advt no. 2292 dated 20-05-2022

Application are invited for filling-up of posts under the National Programme on Antimicrobial Resistance Containment, Dept. of Microbiology, RIMS Ranchi, Advt. No.:382 dated 07-10-22

Application are invited for filling-up of posts under the Viral Research & Diagnostic Laboratories(VRDL), Dept. of Microbiology, RIMS Ranchi, Advt. No.:381 dated 07-10-22

Interview Result for the post of "Assistant" and "Research Assistant" Advt. No. : DRO/2022/140 dated 29/09/22

DRC Meeting Dates for Presentation of Ph.D synopsis for the session 2021, Memo No. : DRO/2022/275 dated 29/09/22

List of selected candidates of Senior Residents vide Advt. No. 4163 dated 12-09-22 interview held on 20/21/22/23-09-22

Interview Result for the post of "Project Staff Nurse", Advt. No. : DRO/2022/140 dated 29-09-2022

Applications in prescribed proforma with complete bio-data are invited to fill up the vacant Assistant Professor Post in Oral Pathology, Microbiology and Forensic Odontology, Dental College RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No 4418 Dated : 22-09-2022

List of additional selected candidates after scrutiny by selection committee for exam regarding Advertisement No. 2292 Dated: 20-05-2022 and Advt. No. 2474 dated: 01-06-2022

Corrigendum Notice regarding Advertisement No. 2292 Dated: 20-05-2022 and Advt. No. 2474 dated: 01-06-2022

Advertisement for selection of Senior Residents who may join PDCC

Important Notice related to Order Memo No. 4135 dated 09-09-2022, Advertisement No. 2292 Dated: 20-05-2022 and Advt. No. 2474 dated: 01-06-2022 for Recruitment of 4th Grade staff at RIMS, Ranchi

Walk-in-Interview result for the post of Laboratory Technician (VRDL), RIMS/Micro./No 360 Date 15-09-2022

Walk in Interview- Applications are invited for filling up the Senior Residents posts (Category wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in different Departments of RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No. 4163 Dated : 12-09-2022

List of candidates to appear in exam against Advt. No.- 2474 dated 01-06-2022, Memo No. : 4162 dated 12-09-2022

List of candidates who appeared in exam against the Advt. No. : 2292 dated 20-05-2022, Memo No. : 4142 dated 11-09-2022

Office Order regarding Advertisement No. 2292 Dated: 20-05-2022 and Advt. No. 2474 dated: 01-06-2022 for Recruitment of 4th Grade staff at RIMS, Ranchi

Status of applicants after scrutiny of applications received in light of advertisement no. 1654 dated 08-04-2022 published for appointment of doctors of Dental College under RIMS Ranchi

Walk-in Interview- Application are invited for filling up of following post under the Viral Research & Diagnostic Laboratories (VRDL), Department of Microbiology, RIMS, Ranchi

List of Eligible/ Not Eligible candidates for the post of "Chair Side Attendant-Recruitment 2022" vide advertisement no 47, dated 06/01/2022

Interview Results for the post of "Project Asociate", Advertisement No. DRO/2022/105 dated 23/02/2022

Notice regarding alternative Bank Details for submission of Application fees and Date Extension against Advertisement No. 1638, Dated: 07-04-2022, 2496, Dated: 02-06-2022, 1648 Dated 08-04-2022 and 2495 Dated: 02-06-2022

Notice against Recruitment of 4th Grade staff at RIMS, Ranchi for Advt. no. 2474 dated 1-6-2022

List of Selected Candidates vide Advt. No. 2499 dated 02-06-2022, 2500 dated 02-06-2022 interview held on 09 & 10 June 2022

Notice against Advertisement for Recruitment of 4th Grade staff at RIMS, Ranchi vide advertisement no. 2292/2022 dated 20-05-2022, Letter No. RIMS/DC/Admn./No 2982, Dated: 15/07/2022

Notice against Advertisement for Recruitment of 4th Grade staff at RIMS, Ranchi vide advertisement no. 2292/2022 dated 20-05-2022

 click here for editable notice

Addendum Notice to Advertisement No. 1648 dated 08-04-2022 and 2495 dated 02-06-2022

Addendum Notice to Advertisement No. 1638 dated 07-04-2022 and 2496 dated 02-06-2022

Walk-in-Interview Result for the post of Technical Officer (NVHSP)

Advertisement of State Technical Consultant CMAM & FSAM-SCoE-SAM under SCoE-SAM, RIMS, Letter No. DRO/2022/204

Walk-in Interview Result for the post of Laboratory Technician (AMR), RIMS/Micro./No 244, Dated: 25-06-2022

Walk in Interview - Application are invited for filling up of following post under the National Viral Hepatitis Surveillance Programme at Department of Microbiology, RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand, No. RIMS/Micro./No 240/Date 22/06/2022

Walk in Interview - Applications are invited for filling up of following post under the National Programme on Antimicrobial Resistance Containment, Department of Microbiology, RIMS, Jharkhand, Letter No. RIMS/Micro./No. DRO/2o22/189/date 08-06-2022

List of Selected Candidates applied for the post of Laboratory Technician in the department of Genetics and Genomics vide Advt. 1105 dated 02-03-2022

Result of Ph.D. Entrance Test 2021-2022 Examaniations held in February 2022

List of selected candidates vide Advt. No. 1095 & 1096 dated 02-03-2022 and 5017 dated 18-11-2011 interview held on 13-05-2022

Applications are invited for filling up the Tutor posts (Category wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in different departments of Dental Institute, RIMS, Ranchi vide Advt. No. : 2500 dated 02-06-2022

Applications are invited for filling up the Senior Resident/Tutor posts (Category wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in different departments of RIMS, Ranchi vide Advt. No. : 2499 dated 02-06-2022

Applications are invited to fill up the Professor vacant faculty positions available with RIMS, Ranchi vide Advt. No. : 2496 dated 02-06-2022

Applications are invited to fill up the various vacant faculty positions available in RIMS, Ranchi vide Advt. No. : 2495 dated 02-06-2022

Advertisement for Recruitment of 4th Grade staff at RIMS, Ranchi vide advertisement no. 2474/2022 dated 01-06-2022

List of selected candidates vide Advt. 1639 dated 07-04-2022, 1640 dated 07-04-2022, 1646 dated 08-04-2022 and 1647 dated 08-04-2022 & 1687 dated 09-04-2022 interview held on 26, 27, 28, 29 April 2022 and 05,06 & 07 May 2022.

Advertisement for Recruitment of 4th Grade staff at RIMS, Ranchi vide advertisement no. 2292/2022 dated 20-05-2022

List of eligible and non-eligible candidates applied for the post of Lab Technician vide advertisement no. letter No. 1105/dated 02-03-2022 in the Department of Genetics and Genomics

List of eligible and non-eligible candidates applied for the post of Scientist-II in the Department of Genetics and Genomics vide adv letter No. 1096/02-03-2022

list of eligible and non-eligible candidates applied for the post of Associate Professor vide advertisement letter number 1095/dated 02.03.2022 in the Department and Genomics

Corrigendum Notice regarding Advertisement No. 1637, Dated: 07-04-2022

Interview Results for the post of "JRF (Life Sciences)" and "JRF (Unani)", Advertisement No DRO/2022/157 dated 18-04-2022

Corrigendum regarding Advertisement No. 1638 Date 07-04-2022, recruitment of Professor

Notice for Cancellation of Staff Nurse 'A' Vacancy vide advertisement No. 1093/RIMS, Dated 13-03-2021

Applications are invited to fill up the various posts for a period of 12 months or end of the project titled "Comparison of Unani formulations Zaroor-e-Qula and Jawarish Amla Sada with allopathi antioxidants in management of patients with early-intermediate stage oral submucous fibrosis" at RIMS, Ranchi vide Advt. No. : DRO/2022/157 Date: 18/04/2022

Corrigendum to Advertisement no. 1687 Dated 09-04-2022

Corrigendum to Advertisement No 1654 dated. 08-04-2022

Postponement of Interviews for advertisement No DRO/2020/140 dated 01-04-2020

Applications are invited for filling up the Tutors posts (Category wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in different department of Dental Institute, RIMS, Ranchi vide Advt. No. 1687, dt. 09-4-2022

Applications are invited for filling up the Associate Professor & Assistant Professor post in Dental Collegeunder RIMS, Ranchi vide Advt. No. 1654, dt. 08-4-2022

Applications are invited to fill up the various vacant Faculty positions available in RIMS, Ranchi vide Advt. No. : 1648 dt. 08-04-22.

Applications are invited to filling up the Tutor posts (Category wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in different departments of RIMS, Ranchi vide Advt. No. : 1646 dt. 08-04-22.

Applications are invited to filling up the Senior Residents posts (Category wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in different departments of Superspeciality, RIMS, Ranchi vide Advt. No. : 1647 dt. 08-04-22.

Applications are invited to fill up the General Duty Medical Officer (Non-Faculty positions) available with RIMS, Ranchi vide Advt. No. : 1637 dt. 07-04-22.

Applications are invited to fill up the Professor vacant faculty positions available with RIMS, Ranchi vide Advt. No. : 1638 dt. 07-04-22.

Applications are invited for filling up the Senior Resident posts (Category wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in different departments of RIMS, Ranchi vide Advt. No. : 1639 dt. 07-04-22.

Applications are invited for filling up the Senior Resident posts (Category wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in different departments of Trauma Center RIMS, Ranchi vide Advt. No. : 1640 dt. 07-04-22.

Advertisement for recruitment to various posts in ICMR funded project

List of Selected Candidates of Clinical Tutor of Nursing college, RIMS vide Advt. 980 (A) & 980 (B) dated 09-03-2019

List of Selected Candidates vide Advt. 4633 dated 24-11-2020, Memo No. 1350/RIMS, Ranchi, Dated: 24/03/2022

Interview Results for the post of "Project Associate", Advertisement No. DRO/2022/105 dated 23/02/2022

Corrigendum to advertisement no 1096, dated 02-03-2022

Corrigendum to advertisement no 1105, dated 02-03-2022

Advertisement for recruitment to various posts related to Genome Sequencing on direct contractual basis (Advertisement No. 1105) at RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand.

Advertisement for recruitment to various posts related to Genome Sequencing on direct recruitment basis (Advertisement No. 1096) at RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand

Advertisement for recruitment to various posts related to Genome Sequencing on direct recruitment basis (Advertisement No. 1095) at RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand.

Walk in Interview Result for the post of "ICMR NCDIR Electronic Mortality Software (NCDIR e-Mor)".

Applications are invited from suitable Indian Nationals for appointment for the Project Associate posts under the project "Risk and protective genetic for dementia in the Indian Population and their interaction with vascular risk factors using an integrated genome wide approach", Advertisement No. DRO/2022/105, Dated : 23/02/2022

Walk in Interview - Applications are invited to filling up the Senior Resident posts on Tenure basis for 03 years in different Departments of Trauma Centre, RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No 890, Dated : 22/02/2022

Applications are invited for filling up the Tutor Posts on Tenure basis for 03 years in different Departments, RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No 889, Dated : 22/02/2022

Walk in Interview - Applications are invited to filling up the Senior Resident posts on Tenure basis for 03 years in different Departments of Superspeciality, RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No 888, Dated : 22/02/2022

Walk in Interview - Applications are invited to filling up the Senior Resident posts on Tenure basis for 03 years in different Departments, RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No 887, Dated : 22/02/2022

Office Order regarding cancellation of Advertisement No. 5770, Dated : 24-12-2021 for vacant posts for Tutor at RIMS, Ranchi, Ltr. No. 886, Dated : 22-02-2022

Applications in prescribed Performa with complete bio-data are invited to fill up the various vacant faculty positions, RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No 885, Dated : 22/02/2022

Interview Result for the post of Project Assistant under DHR Project-Short term fellowship program in Good Clinical Practice

Walk-in Interview Result for the post of Lab technician for ICMR- Candidaemia, Memo No. 76, Dated: 15-02-2022

Walk-in Interview Result for the post of Research Scientist (Medical) for VRDL, Memo No. 75 Dated:15-02-2022

Applications on plain paper for walk-in-interview are invited from suitable Indian nationals for appointment for varoius posts for the project in"Spot Check SpHb Data Collection in Adult, Pediatric, and Pregnant Subjects"

Applications on plain paper for walk-in Interview are invited for appointment for the follwing posts in the project titled "Implementation of NCDIR electronic mortality software (NCDI R-EMOR) at RIMS Ranchi" under Dr. Shashi Bhushan Singh (Principal Investigator-PI of the project), PSM Department, RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand

List of Selected Candidates called for interview against Advertisement No. 980 (A) Dated 09-03-2019 and 980 (B) Dated 09-03-2019 (Backlog) for the post of Clinical Tutor, at Nursing College, RIMS, Ranchi

Walk in Interview - Application are invited for filling up of follwing post under the ICMR funded study "Multicenter observational study of candidaemia cases with special reference to Candida auris candidaemia among ICU patients in India" at RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand, Ref. No. RIMS/Micro./No 36/date 27/01/2022

Walk in Interview for Establishment of a network of Laboratories for Managing Epidemics and Natural Calamities.

List of eligible/ineligible candidate for post of Project Assistant under DHR Project-Short term fellowship program in Good Clinical Practice at RIMS,Ranchi letter no 172 dated 12-1-2022.

Corrigendum Notice with reference to advertisement no 47 dated 06-09-2022 for the post of Chair side Attendant in Dental College at RIMS, Ranchi

Office Order regarding cancellation of Advertisement No. 5768 Dated 24-12-2022, RIMS, Ranchi

In continuation with advertisement No. 5695, dated-20/12/2021, applications with complete bio-data are invited for filling-up the post of Project Assitant under DHR Project - Short term fellowship program in Good Clinical Practice at RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand, Memo No. 172 RIM, Ranchi, Dated: 12/01/2022

List of Selected Candidates vide Advt. 777 dated 24-02-2021, 814 dated 25-02-2021 and 625 dated 15-02-2021

Applications are invited for recruitment of "Chair Side Attendant" from Indian Citizens only in RIMS Ranchi from 07-01-2022 to 21-01-2022 upto 4:30 P.M.

Notice for Postponement of Walk in Interview with respect to the advertisement no. 5770 dated 24/12/21 for the post of Tutor scheduled on 05/01/22 due to third wave of covid-19

Notice for Postponement of Walk in Interview with respect to the advertisement no. DRO/2021/72/RIMS/Ranchi dated 24/12/21 for the post of Project Technical Officer (Social Investigator) in project "ICMR" NCDIR e-MOR scheduled on 04/01/22 due to third wave of covid-19

Applications with complete Bio-Data are invited for filling-up the post of Manager/Office Superintendent in Dental College, RIMS, Ranchi and Head Clerk, Accountant and Cashier for RIMS Administration, Ranchi

Walk-in Interview for the post of Project Assistant Staff, Memo no. 5695 dated:-20/12/2021

Notice for Date extension of receipt of application for the post of Internal Financial Advisor in the advertisement no. 5017 dated 18-11-2021 published under RIMS, Ranchi

Applications on plain paper for walk-in-Interview are invited from suitable nationals for appointments for the following purely temporary posts (on contractual basis) in the project titled "Implementation of NCDIR electronic mortality software (NCDIR-EMOR) at RIMS Ranchi" under Dr. Shashi Bhushan Singh (Principal Investigator- PI of the project), PSM Department, RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand

Applications are invited for filling up the Tutor posts (Category wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in different Departments of RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No 5770, Dated: 24/12/2021

Applications in prescribed performa with complete bio-data are invited to fill up the posts of Assistant Professor in different department of RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No 5768, Dated: 24/12/2021

Result of Clinical Tutors written exam vide Advt. 980(A) & 980(B) dated 09-03-2019

List of Selected Candidates of Principal, Vice-Principal and Lecturer vide Advt. 980(A) dated 09-03-2019

Applications on plain paper for walk-in-interview are invited from suitable Indian nationals for appointment for the following post of "Field Investigator" (on Contractual Basis) for a period of 5 Months and position may be extended up to till the end of the project. whichever is earlier in the project titled " Effectiveness of Mid Day Meal scheme to reduce Malnutrition: A Comparative Study." under Dr, Shalini Suderam (Principal Investigator- PI of the project), PSM Department, RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand, Letter no. DRO/2021/70, Date: 23/12/2021

List of eligible and not eligible candidates

Precise Sheet Format

List of eligible candidates selected for written examination on date 15/12/2021 for the post of Clinical Tutor, Memo no. 5586, Dated: 09/12/2021

List of Eligible candidates for the different posts - College of Nursing, RIMS, Ranchi vide Advertisement No. 980A dated 09-03-2019. Memo No. RIMS/Estab.2/No. 5478, Dated 04-12-2021

Notice regarding advertisement No. 980 (A) Dated 9/3/2019 for application of lecturers in the Nursing College, RIMS, Ranchi, Notice No. 5440 Dated: 02/12/2021

Applications with complete Bio-data are invited for filling up the different posts in RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No. 5017, Dated : 18/11/2021

List of selected candidates according to merit, as per the minutes of the Selection Commitee meeting held on 21-12-2020 under Advertisement No. 1020 dated 30-03-2020. Memo No. 588/RIMS, Ranchi, Dated: 01-11-2021

Walk-in Interview Result for the Post of Data Entry Operator & Multi Tasking Staff (VRDL), RIMS/Micro/No 5059, Dated: 29/10/2021

Walk-in Interview Result for the Post of Pharmacist (AMR), RIMS/Micro/No 5059, Dated: 29/10/2021

Walk in Interview - Advertisement in prescribed format with complete bio-data are invited to fill up the posts of various faculty positions in different Departments of RIMS, Ranchi, Memo no. 5021/RIMS, Ranchi, Dated: 27-10-2021

Advertisement of consultant- Growth Monitoring and CMAM, SCoE-SAM, RIMS, Letter No 35, Dated : 25-10/2021

Date Extension Notice regarding interview for Pharmacist is rescheduled to 28-10-2021. Notice No. RIMS/Micro/No 4915, Date: 18-10-2021

Walk in interview for the post of Data Entry Operator and Multi-Tasking Staff (VRDL), Memo No. 533, Dated: 08-10-2021

Walk in Interview- Applications are invited for filling up of following posts under the National Programme on Antimicrobial Resistance Containment running in the Department of Microbiology, RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand on contractual basis for one year. Memo No. 4826, Dated : 04-09-2021

List of Selected Candidates vide Advt. 3951 dated 02-09-2021, Memo No. 4440/RIMS, Ranchi, Dated: 25-09-2021

Result of PDCC 2021

List of Selected Candidate vide Advt.3459 dated 10-08-2021 . Corrigendum no.3520 dated 12-08-2021 and Corrigendum no.3565 dated 13-08-2021.

List of Selected Candidates vide Advt. 3459 dated 10-08-2021, Corrigendum No. 3520 dated 12-08-2021 and Corrigendum no. 3565 dated 13-08-2021

Amendment Notice - The last date for the submission of form in the advertisement No. 3928 Dated 01-09-2021 for the post of Senior Resident who may join PDCC is amended as 11-09-2021.

Applications in prescribed proforma with complete bio-data are invited to the fill up against the post of various faculty positions on contractual basis for 01 year or till the permanent posts are filled which ever is earlier in different Departments of RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No. 3951 Dated- 02/09/2021

Advertisement for selection of Senior Residents who may join PDCC, Advertisement No. 3928/RIMS, Ranchi Dated: 01-09-2021
Walk in Interview - Amendment Notice against Advertisement No. 3565 Dated 13-08-2021 for appointment of Senior Residents in various department of RIMS, Ranchi
Walk in Interview - Amendment Notice against Advertisement No. 3459 Dated 10-08-2021 for appointment of Senior Residents in various department of RIMS, Ranchi
Applications are invited for filling up the 68 posts of Senior Resident (Category wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in different Departments of RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No 3459, Dated: 10-08-2021
Result of selected and wailisted candidates vide advt. no. 4663 Dated 26/11/2020 for the contractual posts in State Organ and Tissue Transplant organization (SOTTO) under RIMS, Ranchi
Result of online interview for the post of Research Scientist-I, Laboratory Assistant cum Data Entry Operator, Letter No. RIMS/admin/3304, Dated 28/07/2021
Office Order regarding schedule for interview of Short listed candidate (Eligible) for different posts of SOTTO, Order No. RIMS/SOTTO/3202 dated 22/07/2021
List of eligible/not eligible candidates after scrutiny for recruitment under SOTTO (Advt. No. 4663, Dated: 26-11-2021)

Consultant (IEC Publication and Media)

Programe Assistant Cum Data Entry Operator

Transplant Co-coordinator

List of selected and waiting list candidate vide advertisement No. 248 dated 21-01-2021 for the post of Deputy Medical Superintendent on the basis of interview held on 22-06-2021
Invitation of Online applications for the temporary posts for Multi-Diciplinary Research Unit (MRU) under Department of Health Research (DHR) Scheme, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.Advt. No. 56/MRU/RIMS, Ranchi, Dated : 23-06-2021
List of selected and waiting list candidates vide advertisement No. 58 dated 10-01-2020
Corrigendum of Advertisement No. 4663/26-11-2020, Corrigendum Notice No. 2620 RIMS, Ranchi, Dated 14-06-2021
List of Eligible & Not-Eligible Candidate for the post of GDMO of Paying Ward and Trauma vide advt. No. 58 Dated 10-01-2020, No. RIMS/Estb.(1-A)2495 RIMS, Ranchi, Dated 31-05-2021
Notice vide Advt No. 58 Dated 10-01-2020 for the post of GDMO Paying Ward and Trauma at RIMS, Ranchi, No. RIMS/Admn No 2494, dated 31-05-2021
Walk-in Inteview for Field Data Collector on 31-05-21 at RIMS Ranchi vide Advt. No. : 320 dated 29-05-2021
List of Eligible & Not-Eligible candidates for the post of GDMO of Paying Ward and Trauma vide Advt. No.:58 dated 10-01-2020
Notice inviting applications for empanelment of Advocates in RIMS, Ranchi vide Advt. No. : 2111 dated 29-04-2021
List of selected candidates vide Advt. No. : 1930 dated 16-04-21
Office Order No. : 261 dated 17-04-21 regarding appointment of Administrative & Vigilence Officer at RIMS, Ranchi
Walk-in interview Result for the Post of Lab Technician (NVHsP), RIMS, Ranchi 190, Dated: 01/04/2021
List of selected candidates are declared to have passed in the Ph.D. Entrance Test-2020-2021 held on january 2021
Online Applications are invited for recruitment of Staff Nurse Grade-A 2021 only in RIMS Ranchi, Advt. No. : 1093/RIMS Ranchi, dated 13-03-2021
Walk in Interview - Application are invited for filling up of following posts under the National Viral Hepatitis Surveillance Programme at RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand, RIMS/Micro./No 126, Date- 12/03/2021
List of selected candidate vide advertisement No. 4919 dated 14-12-2020, Letter No. RIMS/Estb3A/No.1077, Dated-12/03/2021
Result of 'Walk in Interview for Teporary' posts (on contract) of Regional Geriatric Centre, Rims, Ranchi, Memo No. 1054, Dated- 12/3/2021
Corrigendum to Advertisement No. 625, Corrigendum No 1036, Dated-10/03/2021
List of selected and waiting list candidates vide advertisement No. 776 dated 24-02-2021, RIMS/Admn./DC/No 119 Dated 06/03/2021
List of Candidates eligible for skill test, Letter No.:934 Dated: 4-3-2021
Walk-in interview Result for the Post of Medical Officer (NVHCP) & Pharmacist (NVHCP), RIMS, Ranchi 921, Dated: 04-03-2021
Walk-in interview Result for the Post of Technical Officer (NVHCP) & Lab Tchnician (NVHP), RIMS, Ranchi 893, Dated 03-03-2021
Due to non availability of candidates under ST category for post of Associate Professor vide no. 7581 dated 07-11-2015 & 1068 dated 02-04-2020 a fresh Applications with complete bio-data are invited from Indian Nationals for filling up the various posts in Dental College under RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No. 814, Dated 25/02/2021
Recruitment Notification - Faculty Post (Group 'A') on Direct Recruitment basis in various Departments at RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand, Advertisement No. 777, Dated-24-02-2021

Advertisement Notice

Application Format

Notice regarding Advertisement number 1020 dated 30/03/2020, Memo No. 796/RIMS, Ranchi, Dated-25/02/2021
Walk in Interview - Applications are invited up the Senior Resident posts (Category wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in different Departments of Super speciality, RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No 776 Dated-24-02-2021
Walk in Interview - Suitable and willing candidates may attend for appointment for the various 'temporary posts on contractual basis' on fixed remuneration for a contract period of 12 months only, as per guidelines of National Programme for Health Care for elderly (NPHCE), at 11:00 hours on 03-03-21 in the office of the Director, RIMS, Ranchi, Letter No. 673 Medicine/RIMS/Ranchi, Dated- 18-02-2021
Fresh Applications with complete bio-data are invited from Indian Nationals for filling up the Principal's post in Dental College under RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No. 625, Dated- 15-02-2021
List of selected candidates vide advertisement No. 79 dated 08-01-2020, 1020 dated 30-03-2020 and 1067 dated 02-04-2020, Memo No. 61/RIMS, Ranchi Dated- 10-02-2021
Walk in Interview - Application are invited for filling up of following posts under the National Viral Hepatitis Control Programme at RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand on contractual basis for one year post are purely on contractual basis for one year or till the project continues whichever is earlier), RIMS/Med./No Medicine 35/date:10-02-2021
Walk in Interview - Application are invited for filling up of following posts under the National Viral Hepatitis Control Programme at RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand on contractual basis for one year post are purely on contractual basis for one year or till the project continues whichever is earlier), RIMS/Micro./No. 72/date: 09/02/2021
Walk-in interview Result for the post of Research Scientist-I (Medical/Non-Medical) & lab Technician (VRDL), Memo No. 51, Dated-28-01-2021
Applications are invited in the prescribed proforma for (01) Medical Superintendent and (02) Deputy Medical Superintendent posts in the institute, No. RIMS/Admn./Advt. No 248, Dated-21/1/2021

Advertisement Notice

Application Format

Applications are invited from retired personnels who have retired from Accountant General, Jharkhand/Finance Department and age limit below 65 years for operation of RIMS financial accounting and Internal Audit work, Memo No. 104, Dated- 09-01-2021
Walk In Interview - Application are invited for various posts under the Medical College level Viral Diagnostic and Research Laboratory, Department of Microbiology, RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand, Memo No. RIMS/Micro/No 04, Dated : 04/01/2021
List of selected candidate vide Memo No. 171 Dated 16/12/2020 for the post of SRF (Unani) for Project : Adjuvant role of unani formulations in management of Covid-19 patients
List of selected candidate vide Memo No. 171 Dated 16/12/2020 for the post of SRF (Unani) for Project : Adjuvant role of unani formulations in management of Covid-19 patients
Precise Sheet for Interview
Applications on plain paper for Walk-in-Interview are invited from suitable Indian nationals for appointment for the following purely temporary posts (on contractual basis) for a period of Four months and position may be extended up to till the end of the project, whichever is earlier in "Adjuvant Role of Unani Formulations in management of COVID-19 Patients" under Dr. Anshul Kumar, (Principal Investigator - PI of the project) Assistant Professor, CTVS Department RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand, Memo No. 171, CTVS/RIMS/Ranchi, Date 16-12-2020
Applications with complete bio-data are invited for filling-up the EEG Technical post of 3rd grade (technical) under RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No 4919 Dated 14/12/2020
List of Selected Candidate vide Advt. No. 3736 dated 06-10-2020, Memo No. 4991/RIMS, Ranchi dated 16/12/2020
List of Eligible Candidates (Departmentwise) after re-scrutiny for the Post of Assistant Professors for Advertisement No. 79, Dated- 08-01-2020
Applications with complete bio-data are invited for filling-up the under mentioned posts in State Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization (SOTO) (Technical & Non-Rechnical) under RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No 4663 Dated : 26/11/2020
Applications are invited for filling up the Tutors posts (Category wise on tenure basis for 3 years in different department of Dental Institute, RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No 4633 Dated: 24-11-2020
Re-scheduled date for Walk-in-Interview is 04-12-2020 for filling up the post of Senior Residents (Category wise) in different Departments of Trauma Centre, RIMS, Ranchi, vide Advertisement No. 3736 Dated - 06/10/2020
SCoE-SAM, RIMS is conducting a Walk in Interview from suitable candidate for the post of State Coordinator to be placed at State Office for one of Alternative Food Study to be conducted in the Latehar District of Jharkhand purely on contractual basis for the period of 12 months, Letter No 09, Dated : 07-11-2020
Walk in Interview- Fresh applications are invited for filling up the Senior Residents posts (Category wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in different Departments of RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No. 4302, Dated : 04/11/2020
SCoE-SAM, RIMS invites application from suitable candidate for the post of Field Investigators for one of alternative Food Study to be conducted in the two blocks of Latehar District of Jharkhand purely on contract basis for Alternative food study, Letter No 08, Dated : 31-10-2020
List of selected candidate vide Advt No 3734 dated 06-10-2020, Memo No 4099/RIMS, Ranchi Dated 27/10/2020
Final list of selected candidates vide Advt. No. : 955(C) dated 08-03-2019
Final list of selected candidates vide Advt. No. : 955(A) dated 08-03-2019
Corrigendum - The Interview against the advertisement No. 3591 dated 29-09-2020 and advertisement No 3736 dated 06-10-2020 scheduled on 11,12,13 & 15 October, 2020 has been posponed till further notice
Office Order regarding Cancellation of Scheduled interview on 09/10/2020 against Advertisement No. 79, Dated: 08-01-2020 till further notice, RIMS/Admn/No 3794, Dated 07/10/2020
In continuation to the advertisement No. 1135 dated 09-04-2020 for filling up the posts of Tutor (Category wise) in different departments of RIMS Ranchi (on Tenure basis for 03 years only); the walk-in-interview has being arranged on 16-10-2020, Advertisement No 3734 Dated 06/10/2020
Walk in Interview- Applications are invited for filling up the post of Senoir Residents (Category wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in different Departments of Trauma Centre, RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No. 3736 Dated- 06/10/2020
Advt No. 79, Dated 08-01-2020 : -

Precise sheet for candidate vide Advt. 79 dated 08-01-2020

List of Eligible and Not Eligible candidates of Assistant Professor vide Advt. no. 79 dated 08-01-2020

Application are invited for filling up the senior Resident posts (Category Wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in different Departments of Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences.
Result of PDCC 2020 - 2nd List of Selected Candidates, RIMS/Admn./No 2776, Dated-14/08/2020
List of Selected Candidates vide Advt. No. 79 dated 08-01-2020, Memo No. 2732/RIMS, Dated-11/08/20
Result of PDCC 2020, Memo No. 2661/RIMS, Ranchi, Dated: 10/08/2020
Walk-in interview Result for the Post of Non-Medical Scientist & Research Assistant (VRDL), No. RIMS, Ranchi 2635 Dated - 10/08/2020
Applications are invited from qualified Indian nationals for admission to one year Post-Doctoral Certificate Course (PDCC) linked with Senior residency in the department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine for the ession 2020-21, commencing from Aug 17th, 2020
Walk in Interview - Application are invited for filling up of various posts under the Medical College level Viral Daignostc and Research Laboratory, Department of Microbiology, RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand on contractual basis for one year, RIMS/Micro/No 313/date: 21/07/2020
Applications are invited for filling up the post of Director, Rajengra Institute of Medical Science, Ranchi an autonomous institution under Government of Jharkhand.
Urgent Notice regarding postponement of walk-in interview till further notice for the post of Principal, Dental Institute for the Advertisement No. 1067, Dated 02/04/2020
List of Candidates vide Advt. no. 3964 dated 19-07-2019
List of Eligible and Not Eligible candidates of Microbiology and Lab medicine vide Advt. no. 79 dated 08-01-2020
Prepared Report after scrutiny of total received Applications for the Advertisement No. 1020 dated 30. 03. 2020 and Advertisement No. 1067, 1068 dated 02. 04. 2020
List of selected Candidate vide Advt. No. 1135 dated 09-04-2020, Memo No 1722/RIMS, Ranchi Dated 16/06/2020
Applications for walk-in-interview are invited from suitable Indian nationals for appointment for the following purely temporary posts in the project titled "Effectiveness of Mid Day Meal scheme to reduce malnutrition: A Comparative Study." under Dr. Shalini Sunderan (Principal Investigator-PI of the project), PSM Department, RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand
Walk-in interview Result for the post of Data Entry Operator (AMR) & Field Worker (NVHSP)
Application are invited for filling up of following posts under National Anti Resistance Containment Programme and National Programme on Surveilance of Viral heapatitis running in department of Microbiology, RIMS, Ranchi, RIMS/Micro./No 206/Date : 11-05-2020
Notice for Extension of Date of receipt of application for the Published Advertisement No. 1135 dated 09.04.2020, 1067 dated 02.04.2020, 1068 dated 02.04.2020, 1020 dated 30.03.2020 and 1051 dated 31.03.2020 due to COVID-19
Applications are invited for filling up the post of tutor in varius departments under two separate mode of appointment (Viz - Regular appointment and Backlog appointment at RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No 1135, Dated 09/04/2020
Applications with complete bio-data are invited for under mentioned Backlog posts in different Departments of Dental Institute under RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No. 1068, 02/04/2020
Applications with complete bio-data are invited for under mentioned posts in different Departments of Dental Institute under RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No. 1067, 02/04/2020
In continuation of Memo No 1020 Dated 30-03-2020, Information in view of present Covid-19 Situation, all relevant documents of applicants including their application form can be sent as a softcopy to E mail address - . Candidates are requested to bring all original documents at the time of interview. Letter No. RIMS/Estb. (1-A)/1059, Dated 01/04/2020
Advisory regarding joining as Intern Doctor (2015 batch) in rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi, RIMS/UG.(2)(Std.)/Memo. No 394,dated 30.03.2020
Applications in prescribed proforma with complete bio-data are invited to fill up the various vacant faculty positions available with RIMS, Advertisement No. 1020, Dated 30/03/2020
Applications on plain paper for walk-in-Interview are invited from suitable Indian nationals for appointment for the following purely temporary posts (on contractual basis) for a period of one year and position may be extended up to till the end of the project, whichever is earlier in the project titled "Implementation of NCDIR electronic mortality software (NCDIER-EMOR) at RIMS Ranchi" under Dr. Shashi Bhushan Singh (Principal Investigator- PI of the project), PSM Department, RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand, Letter No. 129 MRD/RIMS/Ranchi, Dated 12/03/2020
Letter Regarding the redressal of complaints received in the light of the Recruitment and Recruitment process to be done on the basis of Advertisement No. 955 dated 08. 03. 2019, RIMS Ranchi, Letter No. 205, Dated 25-02-2020
Walk-in-Interview - Applications are invited from suitable Indian nationals for appointment for purely temporary posts (on contractual basis) for a period of one year and position may be extended up to till the end of the project, whichever is earlier in the project titled " Nutrition and Genetic Studies on Sabar Tribe of Kolhan Region", Letter No 01/Sabar project/PSM/RIMS/Ranchi, Date-06/02/2020
Selection of the Candidates vide advertisement No. 4954 dated 23-09-2019 and 5005 dated 25-09-2019, Office Order No. RIMS/Admn/No 89/Dated 04/02/2020
List of Selected candidates for Recruitment for the vacant posts of Surgical Assistant and Laboratory Assistant against the Advertisement No. 955 (A) Dated 08-03-2019, RIMS/Admn/No/77, Dated 27-01/2020
Applications in prescribed proforma with complete bio-data are invited to fill up the General Duty Medical Officer (Non faculty positions) available with RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No. 58, Dated: 10-01-2020
List of Selected Candidates for the post of Laboratory Technician after document verification regarding Advertisement No. 6409, Dated - 30-12-2019
Applications in prescribed proforma with complete bio-data are invited to fill up the posts of Assistant Professors lying vacant in various departments of RIMS, Ranchi, Advertsement No. 79, Dated 08-01-2020
List of Selected Reserved/Unreserved Candidates for the post Physiotherapist (Sl. No. 36) for the Advertisement No. 955 (A) Dated - 08-03-2019
List of Selected Candidates for the post of Surgical Assistant after document verification regarding Advertisement No. 6409, Dated - 30-12-2019
Merit List of Candidates after sorting out the Grievances for the Advertisement No. 955 (A), Dated : 08-03-2019
List of Candidates for the post of Physiotherapist, Advertisement No. 6409, Dated : 30-12-2019, after verification of documents of the candidates
Urgent Notice regarding Advertisement No. 955 (A) Dated - 08-03-2019, Corrigendum Notice No. 1097/Dt. 16-03-2019, Re-advertised Advt. No. 12-04-2019
Office Order for Selected Candidates regarding Letter No. 4110, Dated 30.12.2019
Correction in the List of Selected Candidate regarding Office Order No. 6409 Dated 30-12-2019
Office Order regarding Advertisement No. 955 Dated 08-03-2019, No. RIMS/Admn/No. 6410/date 30/12/2019
Merit List of Candidates for the Advertisement No. 955(A) dated 08-03-2019, Corigendum No. 1097/Dated 16-03-2019, Revised Advertisement No. 2001 Date 12-04-2019, Office Order No. RIMS/Admn/No. 6409, date 30/12/2019
Candidatewise List of Marks obtained by the candidates for the different posts, Advertisement No. 955(A) dated 08-03-2019, Corigendum No. 1097/Dated 16-03-2019, Revised Advertisement No. 2001 Date 12-04-2019, Office Order No. RIMS/Admn/No6408, date 30/12/2019
Applications on plain paper for walk-in-interview are invited from suitable Indian Nationals for appointment for the following purely temporary posts (on contractual basis) for a period of 4 months and position may be extended up to till end of project, whichever is earlier in "Spot Check SpHb Data Collection in Adult, Pediatric and Pregnant Subjects" Project under Prof. Dr. Vivek Kashyap (Principal Investigator-PI of the project), HOD, PSM Department, RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand, Letter No. 880 PSM/RIMS/Ranchi, Date 30-12-2019
Notice regarding postponement of the scheduled interview of Technical Officer, SRL, Department of Microbiology, RIMS Ranchi on 05-11-2019 due Modal Code of Conduct for Assembly Elections
Vacancy Notice - Jharkhand State AIDS Control Society, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Government of Jharkhand invites applications from suitable candidates for Technical Officer (TO) positions in State Reference Laboratories (SRL) RIMS Ranchi
In addition of RIMS/Admn./No. 5140 Dated 04-10-2019 the list of Selected candidate vide advertisement No. 955 dated 08-03-2019, RIMS/Admn./No. 5459, Dated 24-10-2019
List of Selected candidate vide advertisement No. 955 dated 08-03-2019, RIMS/Admn./No. 5460, Dated 24-10-2019
Corrigendum regarding Advertisement No. 4906 dt. 21-09-2019, Letter No. RIMS/Estb. (1-B) 5346 dated 19-10-19
List of Selected candidates vide advertisement No. 955 (A) and (B) dated 08-03-2019, RIMS/Admn./No 5140 Dated 04-10-2019
Notice for Advertisement No. 980 (C), for the post of Staff Nurse Grade `A`
In addition of RIMS/Admn./No. 5110 Dated 03-10-2019 the list of Selected candidate (Senior Resident) vide advertisemet No. 4906 dated 21-09-2019, Memo No. 5136/RIMS, Ranchi Dated 04/10/2019
Selection of candidates through Walk in Interview for Regional Geriatric Centre, RIMS, Ranchi, Advt No 426/Medicine/RIMS dated 12/09/2019, Letter No. 5135 Medicine/RIMS, Date : 04/10/2019
List of Selected candidates (Senior Residents) vide advertisement No. 4906 dated 21-09-2019, RIMS/Admn./No 5110, Dated 03/10/2019
Selection of the candidates vide advertisement no. 928 dated 06-03-2019, Memo no 5047/RIMS, Ranchi Dated 27/09/2019
Applications in prescribed proforma with complete bio-data are invited to fill up the posts of Assistant Professors lying vacant in various departments of RIMS, Ranchi, An Autonomous Institution under Govt. of Jharkhand, Advertisement No. 5005, Dated-25/09/19
Applications in prescribed proforma with complete bio-data are invted to fill up the various vacant faculty positions, Medical Administration and General Duty Medical Officer (Non faculty positions positions) available with RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No 4954, Dated 23/09/2019
Corrigendum regarding Advertisement No. 4870 dated 19.09.2019 vacancies for the post of Assistant professor, Corrigendum No. 4919, Dated 23.09.19
Walk in Interview - Applications are invited for filling up the Senior Resident posts (Category wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in different Departments of Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi, Advertisement No. 4906, Dated 21/9/19
Walk in interview Result for the Post of Medical Officer, Pharmacist, Technical Officer & Lab Technician vide advt. no. RIMS/No. 4323 dated 08/08/2019 and interview held on dated 16/09/2019
Applications in prescribed proforma with complete biodata are invited to fill up the posts of Assistant Professors lying vacant in various departments of RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No. 4870 Dated: 19-09-19
List of Eligible candidates for the post of Lab, Technician, OT Assistant and Physiotherapist are instructed to appear in Written test exam held on 21-09-2019
Selection of the Candidates vide Advertisement No. 4341 dated 09-08-2019
Walk in Interview for the various temporary posts on contractual basis on fixed remuneration for a contract period of 11 months only as per guidelines of National programme for Health Care for elderly (NPHCE), Letter No. 426 Medicine/RIMS/Ranchi, Date : 12/09/2019
Application are invited in the prescribed proforma for following posts in the institute on Deputation Basis with the following prescribed criteria for initially 3 years which may be extended if needed, RIMS/Admin./Advt. No 3964 Dated 19/07/19
2nd List of Provisional Eligible Candidates vide advertisement No. 955 (A) Dated 08-03-2019
Schedule of document verification and Technical Skill test for provisional eligible Candidates applying Advertisement no. 955 (A) & (B) Dated 08-03-2019
List of Provisional Eligible Candidates vide advertisement No. 955 (A) Dated 08-03-2019
List of Provisional Non Eligible Candidate vide advertisement No. 955 (A) Dated 08-03-2019
List of Provisional Eligible Candidates vide advertisement No. 955 (B) Dated 08-03-2019
List of Non Eligible Candidate vide advertisement No. 955 (B) Dated 08-03-2019
Selection of the candidates vide Advertisement No. 903 dated 05-05-2019, Memo No 4523/RIMS, Ranchi Dated 29/8/19
Walk in Interview - Applications are invited for filling up the following posts in two categories (viz - Regular Vacancy and Backlog Vacancies) of Tutors in different department of Dental Institute, RIMS, Ranchi an autonomous institute under Government of Jharkhand. These posts are tenure posts for 3 years only, Advertisement No 4341 Dated 09/08/2019
Walk in Interview - Applications are invited for filling up of following posts under the National Viral Hepatitis Control Programme at, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi, Jharkhand on contractual basis for one year (post are purely on contractual basis for one year or till the project continues whichever is the earlier), RIMS/No 4323, Date 8/8/19
Applicatons on plain paper for walk-in-interview are invited from suitable Indian nationals for appointment for the following purely temporary posts (on contractual basis) for a period of 6 months (renewable for the project duration subject to performance and project requirement ) and position may be extended up to till the end of the project, whichever is earlier in "Hospital Based Sentinel Surveillance for S. pneumonia and other Invasive Bacterial Disease (HBSSPIBD)" Project under Prof. Dr. A.K.Chaudhary, (Principal Investigator-PI of the project), HOD, pediatrics Department, RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand, Letter no 327, Date: 07/08/2019
Walk in interview Result for the Post of Research Scientist - I (Medical) & Research Assistant vide adv. no. RIMS/Micro/No. 304 dated 08/07/2019, Letter No. RIMS/Micro/No 4208/date- 1/8/19
Waiting List of Candidates for PDCC examination held on 25-07-2019
Office Order for Applicants regarding Advertisement No. 955, Dated : 08-03-2019, RIMS/Admn/No 4072/dated 26-07-19
Name of qualified candidates for PDCC Interview 2019
List of Provisional Eligible Candidate Vide Advertisement No - 955 Dated 08-03-2019
List of Non Eligible Candidate Vide Advertisement No - 955 Dated 08-03-2019
Candidates selected for PDCC Interview/Entrance Examination after scrutiny, RIMS, Ranchi
Date of Interview of Advertisement no 903 Dated 05-03-2019 are Being Changed
Walk in Interview - Application are invited for filling up of following posts under medical college level viral Diagnostic and Research Laboratory, Department of microbiology, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi, Jharkhand on contractual basisfor one year (post are purely on contractual basis for one year or till the project continues whichever is the earlier).
Date of Interview vide advertisement No. 928 dated 06-03-2019
List of Not Eligible Candidate vide advertisement No. 928 dated 06-03-2019
List of Provisional Eligible Candidate vide advertisement No. 928 dated 06-03-2019
Selection of the candidates vide Advertisement No. 903 dated 05-03-2019
Applications on plain paper for walk-in-Interview are invited from suitable Indian nationals for appointment for the following purely temporary posts (on contractual basis) for a period of one year , Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, Letter No 531, PSM/RIMS/Ranchi, Date : 26/06/2019
By the recommendation of the Selection Committee, it is to be informed that no candidates were selected or qualified for the Post of Research Scientist-I (Medical) and Research Assistant vide adv. No. RIMS/Micro/No-163 dated 11-04-2019, interview held on 20-04-2019.
Amendment Notice for appointment of faculties / GDMO vide advertisement no. 903 dated 05-03-2019.
List of provisional eligible and non-eligible candidates vide advertisement no. 903 dated 5/3/2019 : -

List of provisional Eligible Candidates

List of Non Eligible Candidates

Various post of faculty advertised vide advertisement no 903 dated 05-03-2019 : -

Date of Interview for the post of faculty advertised vide advertisement no 903 dated 05-03-2019

Format of CV to be brought at the time of interview from 20th to 24th May 2019

Third list of Ineligibles candidates applied for the post of faculty advertised vide advertisement no 903 dated 05-03-2019

Second List of not eligible candidates applied for various posts whose essential Qualifications and/or Experience not as per advertisement vide advertisement no. 903, dated 05/03/2019
List of Ineligible candidates applied for various posts whose essential Qualifications and/or Experience not as per advertisement vide advertisement no. 903, dated 05/03/2019
List of Applications received for various posts vide Advertisement no. 903 (A)(B) and (C) dated 05-03-2019 0n or before 10-04-2019
Corrigendum regarding eligibility criteria and age as per requirement of RIMS advertized vide advertisement no. 928 dated 06-03-2019 and corrigended vide corrigendum no. 1009 dated 12-03-2019, Corrigendum No 2259 Dated 27/04/2019
Walk in Interview - Applications are invited for filling up following posts under the Medical College level Viral Diagnostic and Research Laboratory, Department of Microbiology, RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand on contractual basis for one year, Micro No 163 Dated 11/04/19
Walk in Interview - Applications are invited for filling up the posts of Senior Resident in ST category on Adhoc basis till 10th June 2019 or for a period of maximum 89 days or whichever earlier in Obst. & Gynaecology Department of RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No 1766 Dated 03/04/19
Applications in prescribed proforma with complete bio-data are invited to fill up the different posts vide following advertisement –

Corrigendum in Eligibility criteria for different posts advertised to be filled vide Advertisement No. 955 (A) Dated 08-03-2019 at RIMS, Ranchi, Corrigendum No 2001 Dated 12/4/2019

Corrigendum with regard to Upper Age Limit of Applicants applying for advertised vide advertisement no. 903 dated 05-03-2019 at RIMS, Ranchi, Corrigendum No 1208 Dated 26/3/19

Corrigendum in pay level & eligibility criteria for the different posts advertised to be filled vide advertisement No. 955 (A) & 955 (B) dated 08-03-2019 at RIMS, Ranchi, Corrigendum No 1097 dated 16-3-19

Applications with complete bio-data are invited for filling-up the under Staff Nurse Grade "A" positions, in RIMS, Ranchi, vide Advertisement No 980(C), Dated- 09/03/2019

Various vacant faculty positions, available with Nursing College, RIMS, Ranchi vide Advertisement No 980 (A) Dated 9/3/2019

Various backlog vacant faculty positions, available with Nursing College, RIMS, Ranchi vide Advertisement No 980 (B) Dated 9/3/2019

Corrigendum in Eligibility criteria for the post of Public Relation Officer vides Advertisement No. 928 Dated 06-03-2019 at RIMS, Ranchi, Corrigendum No 1009 Dated- 12-3-19

Various vacant faculty positions, Medical Administration and General Duty Medical Officer (Non faculty positions) available with RIMS, Ranchi, vide Advertisement No 903, Dated- 05/03/19

Various vacant faculty positions, available with Superspeciality Department RIMS, Ranchi, vide Advertisement No 903 (B), Dated- 05/03/19

Various backlog vacant faculty positions, available with Superspeciality Department RIMS, Ranchi, vide Advertisement No 903(C), Dated- 05/03/19

Various vacant faculty positions, Medical Administration (Non faculty positions) available with Dental Institute RIMS, Ranchi, vide Advertisement No 928 dated 06-03-2019

Various vacant posts of 3rd Grade (Technical & Non Technical) available with RIMS, Ranchi, vide Advertisement No 955 (A) Dated- 08-03-2019

Various backlog vacant posts of 3rd Grade (Technical & Non Technical) available with RIMS, Ranchi, vide Advertisement No 955(B), Dated- 08-03-2019

Various vacant posts of 4th Grade available with RIMS, Ranchi, vide Advertisement No 955(C), Dated- 08-03-2019
Walk in Interview - Applications are invited for the temporary posts as mentioned below for Multi - Disciplinary Research Unit (MRU) under Department of Health Research (DHR) Scheme, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, Advertisement No. 919, Dated - 06-03-19
3rd Amendment in Limited Tender Notice No 684/RIMS, Ranchi Dated 19-02-2019 for appointment of Recruiting Agencies at RIMS, Ranchi, Amendment Notice No 779 dated 25/2/19
Amendment in Limited Tender Notice No 684/RIMS, Ranchi Dated 19-02-2019 for appointment of Recruiting Agencies at RIMS, Ranchi, Amendment Notice No 754 dated 25/2/19
Walk-in-Interview for appointment for various posts, Letter No. 125/PSM/RIMS/Ranchi, Date 14/02/2019
Walk-in-Interview for appointment for various posts, Letter No. 126/PSM/RIMS/Ranchi, Date 14/02/2019
List of Selected Candidate vide Advt. No 99 dated 09-01-2019, Memo No. 520/RIMS, Ranchi Dated 04/2/19
Applications are invited for filling up the Senior Resident and Registrar posts (Category wise) on Tenure basisi for 03 years in different Departments of Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi an autonomous institution under Government of Jharkhand, Advertisement No 99, dated 09/1/19
List of Selected Candidates of Senior Resident on Adhoc basis only for 89 days on the department of Obst & Gynaecology vide Advt. no 34 dated 04-01-2019, Memo No 86/RIMS, Ranchi Dated 8/1/19
Applications are invited for filling up the posts of Senior Residents (Category wise) on Adhoc basis for 89 days in Obst. & Gynaecology Department of Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi an autonomous institution under Government of Jharkhand, Advertisement No 34, Dated : 04/01/19
List of Selected Candidate vide Advt. No 7343 dated 24-10-2018, Memo No 7841/RIMS, RANCHI Dated 20/11/18
Applications are invited for Recruitment of Nurses Grade - A on contract basis at RIMS, Ranchi , Letter No. RIMS/Estab.(2)/7532 Dated 01/11/2018
Applications are invited for filling up the Senior Resident and registrar posts (Category wise) on tenure basis for 03 years in different Departments of Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi an autonomous institution under Government of Jharkhand, Memo 7343/RIMS, Ranchi, dated: 24/10/18
List of Selected Candidate vide Advt. No 5581 dated 14-08-2018, Memo No 6080/RIMS, Dated : 07/09/2018
Application with complete bio-data are invited for filling up the under mentioned posts in Rajendra Instituteof Medical Sciences, ranchi an autonomous institution under Government of Jharkhand on contract basis, Advertisement No 6010, Dated 05/09/2018
Applications are invited for filling up the Senior Resident and Registrar posts (Category wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in different Departments of Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi an autonomous institution under Government of Jharkhand, Memo 558/RIMS, Ranchi, Dated: 14/8/18
Applications are invited from eligible Candidates in prescribed format for Selection in staff Nurse "A" grade in RIMS, Ranchi, Office Order No. 4601/RIMS, Ranchi, Dated 16/07/18
Advertisement for Recruitment on Contract basis at Urology Department, RIMS, Ranchi
List of Selected Candidates for the post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Cardiology vide Advt. No.563 dated 01/06/2018.
List of Selected Candidate vide Advt. No 2610 dated 24-04-2018, Memo No 3292/RIMS, Ranchi Dated 22/05/18
Result of the Selected candidates for the post of Research Scientist-I (Medical), Research Scientist-I (Non-Medical), Research Assistant and Laboratory Technician vide adv. no. RIMS/Micro/No-68 dated 09/03/2018, interview held on 21/04/2018 and 24/04/2018, RIMS/Micro./No 137/date 30.04.18
Applications are invited for filling up the Senior Resident and Registrar posts (Category wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in different Departments of Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi an autonomous institution under Government of Jharkhand, Advertisement No 2610 Dated 24/04/2018
Interview dates for DHR-VRDL Recruitment, Office Order with reference to advertisement no RIMS/Micro/no 68/date 09.03.2018
Applications are invited for filling up the posts of Senior Residents (Category wise) on Adhoc basis for 89 days in Surgery Department of Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi an autonomous institution under Government of Jharkhand, Advertisement No 2269 Dated 9/4/18
List of selected Candidates of Senior Resident in the Department of Radiology vide Advt. No. 1734 dated 24-03-2018
List of selected Candidates of Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiology vide Advt. No. 1807 dated 25-03-2018
Applications are invited for filling up the posts of Assistant Professor (Category wise) in Radiology Department of Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi an autonomous institution under Government of Jharkhand.
Applications are invited for filling up the posts of Senior Residents (Category wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in Radiology Department of Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi an autonomous institution under Government of Jharkhand.
Applications are invited for filling up of following posts under the Medical College level Viral Diagnostic and Research Laboratory, Department of Microbiology, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi, Jharkhand on contractual basis for one year.
Applications with complete bio-data are invited for filling up the under mentioned posts in Cardiology Departments of Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi, An Autonomous Institution under the Government of Jharkhand.
Application with complete bio-data are invited for filling up the under mentioned post in Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi an autonomous institution under Government of Jharkhand on contract basis.
Walk in interview for the post of Residents, Registrar & Tutor on 25-11-2017
Application with complete bi - data are invited for filling up the under mentioned posts in different Departments of Rajendra Institute of Medical Science, ranchi, An autonomous Institution under the Government of Jharkhand on /or before 14-10-2017 till 5.00 PM by registered/ speed post.
Notice for Interview for the Post of Tutor.
Applications with complete bio-data are invited for filling up the under mentioned posts in different Departments of Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi, An Autonomous Institution under the Government of Jharkhand
Advertisement No 4908, Dated 15/7/17, Applications are invited for filling up the Senior Residents, Registrar and Tutor post (Category wise) on tenure basis for 03 years in different Departments of Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, ranchi an autonomous institution under Government of Jharkhand
Result of selected candidates for Research Scientist (Medical), Research Scientist (Non-Medical), Research Assistant and Laboratory Technician vide advertisement no. RIMS/Advertisement/No-1185 dated 17/02/2017
List of Selected candidate vide Advt. No. 1939 dated 24-03-2017, Memo No 2571/RIMS, ranchi Dated 12/4/2017
Interview Notice with reference to advertisement no. -RIMS/Admn./No. -1185/Dated 17/02/2017
Applications are invited for filling up the under mentioned posts on tenure basis for 03 years in different Departments of Dental Institute under RIMS, Ranchi, Advertisement No 2250 Dated 28/03/2017
Applications for the Senior Residents and Registrar Post on Tenure basis in different Department of RIMS, Ranchi
Contract Appointment of Clinical Tutor of College of Nursing, Letter No. RIMS/Estab.(2)/ 1652 Dated 08.03.2017
List of Selected Candidate vide Advt. No. 8576 dated 09-07-2016, Memo No 1619/RIMS, RANCHI DATED 07-03-17
RIMS/Admn./No 1185/date 17-02-17, Applications are invited for filling up of following posts under the Medical college level Viral Diagnostic and Research Laboratory, Department of Microbiology, RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand on contractual basis for one year
List of Selected Candidate vide Advt. No. 11035 dated 09-09-16
Urgent Notice regarding Post of Prof. Cardiology
List of Selected Candidates vide Advt.No. 11683 date 03-10-2016
Advertisement No. 11847, Dated 05/10/16, The educational Qualification for the Post of Senior Resident in the Department of Anaesthesia & Radiology
Advertisement No. 11683 Dated 03-10-2016, Applications are invited for filling up the Senior Residents and Registrar post (Category wise) on Tenure basis for 03 years in different Departments of Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi an autonomous institution under Government of Jharkhand
Advertisement No. 11035 Dated 09-09-2016, Applications with complete bio-data are invited for filling up the under mentioned posts in different Departments of Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi, An Autonomous Institution under the Government of Jharkhand.
Result of M.D./M.S./M.Ch Part-I&II/Diploma (Annual) Examination held in the month of June -2016
List of selected candidates vide Advt. No. 7581, Date:07/11/2015
List of Selected Candidates vide Advertisement No.1004, Dated : 23/02/2016

Advertisement No. 8576, Dated : 09/07/2016, Applications with complete bio-data are invited for filling up the under mentioned posts of Tutor in different Departments of Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi, An Autonomous Institution under the Government of Jharkhand

List of Selected Candidates vide Advertisement No.1836, Dated : 19/03/2015
List of Selected Candidates vide Advertisement No.7581, Dated : 07/11/2015
List of Selected Candidates vide Advertisement No.474, Dated : 29/01/2016
Selected candidate vide Advertisement No. 97/ Biochemistry/ Dated : 20/04/2016
Corrigendum to the Advertisement No. 97/ Biochemistry/ Dated : 20/04/2016
Applications are invited for the following post to be filled up on purely temporary basis, RIMS, Ranchi  under the task force project entitled "Second Phase of Biomedical Informatics Centre of ICMR in BioInformatics centre, RIMS, Ranchi
PG Bond- To maintain 100% enrolled seats in State Medical colleges in U.G./PG . courses, not taking admission, imposing a financial penalty for  leaving the college in the middle session and to reserve the 50% seats in PG course for medical officers posted in rural areas
Addendum for the Advertisement No. 474 dated 29/01/2016, 01 (One) unreserved category post of Associate Professor in department of Cardiology
Advertisement No. 1004, Dated : 23/02/2016, Applications with complete bio-data are invited for filling up the Assistant Professor posts in different Departments of RIMS, Ranchi
Advertisement No. 910, Dated : 19/02/2016, Applications with complete bio-data are invited for filling up the under mentioned posts in different Departments of Dental Institute under RIMS, Ranchi
Advertisement No. 474, Dated : 29/01/16, Application with complete biodata are invited for filling up the under mentioned Posts in different Departments of RIMS, Ranchi
List of Selected Candidates vide Advertisement No. 8716, Dated : 19/12/2015, the educational qualification for the post of senior resident
Advertisement No. 7581 for dental College Facilities, RIMS, Dated : 17/11/2015
Corrigendum : In continuation to the office Advertisement No. 8716, Dated : 19/12/15, the educational qualification for the Post of Senior Resident in the Department of Anesthesia & Radiology /Radio diagnosis
Advertisement No. 7581 for dental College Facilities, RIMS, Dated : 17/11/2015
Advertisement No. 6612 for Senior Residents and Registars Post on Tenure basis in different Departments of RIMS, Dated : 23/09/15
Notice for Walk-in-Interview (16-07-15)
Selected Candidates vide Advt. No. 1836, Dated : 19/03/15 only in Super Specialties  Department RIMS, Ranchi
Applications are invited for the purely temporary posts (on contractual basis) for the ICMR Multi-Centric Project under PSM Dept. RIMS, Ranchi
Applications with complete Bio-data are invited for different Departments of RIMS, Ranchi
Notice for the date of Interview for Selection of Senior Resident in different Department at RIMS, Ranchi.
Application with complete bio-data are invite for filling up the Staff Nurse (Grade-'A') posts vide Advt. No. 9453 dated 06-09-2014 in RIMS, Ranchi.
Application with complete bio-data are invite for filling up the post of Senior Residents and Registrars vide Advt. No.- 9477 dated 09-09-14 for different department at RIMS, Ranchi.
Application with complete bio-data are invite for filling up the post of Administrative  Officer (on Contract basis) vide Advt. No.- 9492 dated    10-09-14 in RIMS, Ranchi.
Applications are invited for the purely temporary posts (on contractual basis) for the ICMR Multi-Centric Project under PSM Dept. RIMS, Ranchi
List of selected candidates vide Advt. No. 9477 dated 09-09-2014
Applications with complete Bio-data are invited for different Departments of RIMS, Ranchi
Notice for the date of Interview for Selection of Senior Resident in different Department at RIMS, Ranchi.
S.No. Date of Interview Department Name
1. 17-01-2015 I. Medicine
II. Cardiology
III. Radiology
IV. Radiotherapy
2. 19-01-2015 I. Surgery
II. Paediatric Surgery
III. Cardiothoracic
IV. Urology
V. Neurosurgery
3. 20-01-2015 I. Orthopaedics
II. Anaesthesia
4. 21-01-2015 I. Lab Medicine
II. Skin
III. Paediatrics
5. 22-01-2015 I. Dental


1.    You are requested to bring the following documents at the time of interview :

i)          D.O.B. Certificate in Original (Matriculation/C.B.S.E./I.C.S.E Certificate. etc.)

ii)         All original certificates of M.B.B.S./M.D./M.S./M.Ch./D.M./DNB/BDS/MDS etc.

iii) All original marks sheets of University / Institute examination of M.B.B.S./ Diploma/M.D./M.S./M.Ch./D.M./DNB/BDS/MDS.

iv)       Self attested photocopy of all certificates and mark sheet mentioned in (i), (ii) & (iii) Attempt certificate(s) of all University / Institute examination of M.B.B.S./ Diploma/ M.D./M.S./ M.Ch./D.M./DNB/BDS/MDS.

v)        Documentary evidence & photocopies of all your research publication(s) indexed in Index medicus / National journals / International journals as 1st or 2nd authors only.

vi)       No objection Certificate from your present employer. If you are not employed, you have to give an undertaking to this effect.

vii)      Caste Certificate (If claim for reservation benefit).

2.    No T.A / D.A. will be admissible for the interview.

3.    Reporting time: 09:00 A.M.     

Venue: Office Chamber of the Director, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Bariatu, Ranchi 834009.

Application with complete bio-data are invite for filling up the post of Administrative  Officer (on Contract basis) vide Advt. No.- 9492 dated    10-09-14 in RIMS, Ranchi.

Application with complete bio-data are invite for filling up the post of Senior Residents and Registrars vide Advt. No.- 9477 dated 09-09-14 for different department at RIMS, Ranchi.

Application with complete bio-data are invite for filling up the Staff Nurse (Grade-'A') posts vide Advt. No. 9453 dated 06-09-2014 in RIMS, Ranchi.

Advertisement for walk in Interview vide Advt. No. 107 dated 13.06.14 dept. of Biochemistry

Notice for appointment of Retire Government Servant from RIMS in Contract basis.

Announcement of date and name of candidate for walk in Interview vide Advt. No. Bio-189 dated 31.10.13 dept. of Biochemistry.

Application with complete bio-data are invite for filling up the under mentioned posts in Nursing College of RIMS, Ranchi.

Announcement of second list of selected candidates vide Advertisement no. 1598 dated 08-04-13, Advt. 2320 Dated 17-05-13 and Advt. No.2392 dated 18-05-13 in different departments at RIMS, Ranchi

Advertisement for walk in Interview vide Advt. No. Bio-189 dated 31.10.13 dept. of Biochemistry.

Advertisement for walk in Interview vide Advt. No. 422 dated 21.09.13 dept. of PSM

Announcement of result  vide Advertisement no. 1598 dated 08-04-13, Advt. 2320 Dated 17-05-13 and Advt. No.2392 dated 18-05-13 in different departments at RIMS, Ranchi

Application with complete bio-data are invite for filling up the under mentioned posts in Nursing College of RIMS, Ranchi.

Application with complete bio-data are invite for filling up the under mentioned posts in different Departments of RIMS, Ranchi.

Corrigendum: In continuation of the office advertisement no. 1598/RIMS, Ranchi dated 08-04-2013

Application with complete bio-data are invite for filling up the under mentioned posts in different Departments of RIMS, Ranchi.

List of Selected Candidate for the post of Librarian and Assistant Librarian in Contract Basis.


1. Md. Hassan Imam (Category - General)

2. Usha Bibiyana Kachhap (Category - Scheduled Tribe)

Assistant Librarian

1. Sangeeta Kumari (Category - General)

2. Alok Kumar (Category - BC-I)


 i. Selected candidates can join  up to 09th December 2012 either on receiving the  Appointment letter or on the basis of their results on the website of RIMS, Ranchi.


List of Selected Candidate for the post of Radiotherapy Technologist in Contract Basis.

1. Susanta Kumar Sahoo

2. Sachindra Kumar


 i. Selected candidates can join  up to 24th November 2012 either on receiving the  Appointment letter or on the basis of their results on the website of RIMS, Ranchi.

Announcement of result  vide Advertisement no. 3619 dated 07-06-12 in different departments at RIMS, Ranchi

Application with complete bio-data are invite for filling up the under mentioned posts in different Departments of RIMS, Ranchi.


Corrigendum of Advertisement No. 304 Dated 17.01.2012


Application with complete bio-data are invite for filling up the under mentioned posts in Super-specialty Departments of RIMS, Ranchi.